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《诗韵 挑战杯》国际中英文朗诵大赛由美国七彩桥艺术学校主办,挑战未来学生团队,北美诗歌协会、中国华夏传媒网络电视台、中国沈阳怡声之音朗诵协会协办。大赛宗旨是希望弘扬中国文化,推广语言表演艺术,打造一个朗诵演讲的竞赛和交流平台,让各个年龄段的朗诵爱好者们一展风采,相互学习,相互激励,不断提高朗诵艺术水平. 同时,通过朗诵和讲演,陶冶情操,在生活,学习和工作中积极进取,勇于迎接挑战。

            在2021年,我们用诗歌、用故事、用声音迎接疫情的挑战,隆重推出首届《诗韵 挑战杯》国际中英文朗诵大赛,大赛受到了全球华人的广泛支持和积极参与,取得了圆满成功。2022年,成功举办了第二届《诗韵 挑战杯》国际中英文朗诵大赛,大赛的规模更大,水平更高。

           2024年初,我们将继续举办第三届《诗韵 挑战杯》国际中英文朗诵大赛,大赛面向全球,初赛设立各国各地区分赛场,决赛由美国旧金山总赛场负责承办。

In 2021, the 1st "Challenge Cup" international Chinese and English Recitation Competition was successfully held by Rainbow Brige Performing Art School, co-organized by the student team of challenging the future, the North American Poetry Association, China Huaxia Media Network Television, and China Shenyang Yisheng Voice Recitation Association. The purpose of the competition is to promote Chinese culture and the art of language performance, create a competition and exchange platform for recitation lovers. The competition has been widely supported and actively participated in by the global Chinese, and achieved a complete success.

In 2022, the second "Challenge Cup" International Chinese and English Recitation Competition was successfully held. The scale of the competition was larger and the level was higher.

In early of 2024, we will continue to hold the third "Challenge Cup" International Chinese and English Recitation Competition. The competition is open worldwide. The preliminary competition will be held regional in various countries. The finals will be hosted by the San Francisco in the United States.